Dream Symbols and Their Meaning: Actions, Bible Symbols, Context
Learn the hidden meanings behind actions and biblical dream symbols, and how the context surrounding our dream is a key to understanding.
Dream Symbols and Their Meaning: Places, Things, Wordplay, Numbers
Learn the meanings behind dream symbols of places, things, wordplay, and numbers.
Dream Symbols and Their Meaning: People, Names, and Animals
Learn the hidden meanings behind the dream symbols of people, names, and animals.
Dream Symbols 101: How to Interpret Dreams and Visions Symbolically
Dreams are primarily symbolic, even when they appear literal or random. Learn how to interpret dream symbols to unveil hidden meanings.
Dreams about other people meaning and what to do! Prophetic dreams vs personal symbol interpretation
What to do when you dream of other people and what it means! Is it supernatural revelation, a divine prophecy, or is it actually about you?
Missing important dreams from GOD! 3 Things that do NOT determine dream sources when interpreting
Learn to accurately discern the source of your dream and come to the correct interpretation – don't be mislead by these 3 dream traits!
Is my dream from God, my soul, the devil? Where did my dream come from? How to identify dream source
Is your dream from God, your soul, or the devil? Learn how to simply identify the source of any given dream.
Does God speak to us through dreams? Biblical intro to hearing God’s voice through your dreams
What does the bible say about dreams and visions and how can we learn to hear God through the interpretation of dreams and visions?
School of the Spirit: Dreams & Visions (Vol. 1)
Engage the seer realms and nightly hear God’s voice through interpretation of His riddles and enigmas.
School of the Spirit: Translation (Vol. 1)
Learn how to supernaturally travel across spacetime and realms for the Kingdom of God.
2020: Famine and the Supernatural Multiplication of Resources
Hard times are an opportunity for promotion.
Can Christians be Friends with Unbelievers?
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? – Amos 3:3
Praise is a Portal to Presence
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
Seer Activation: Looking with Closed Eyes
A simple exercise to begin seeing vague images and clear images.
I Stand at the Door and Knock
Most of the world is blind; only those who have eyes in the spirit can see.
Millennials Cry Out for Intimacy
Many doors claim admission to intimacy, but only one leads to life, truth, and power.
God Loves to Talk to Those Who Believe Him
Hearing God is not enough, we must believe Him.
Hearing God: Shouting Out the Gentle Whisper
Learn to attune yourself to the voice of God.